History of Australian Science Newsletter
No. 32, March 1994
- 11 April 1994:
- History of Science, Ideas and Technology Group (SA). Donald Beard
will speak on 'Surgery on the March: some aspects in South Australia
and overseas'. To be held in the Royal Society of SA Rooms, at 7.30pm
for 8.00pm. Contact working group members: Pauline Payne 269 6879
(w/h); Lee Torop 303 5996 (w); Marie Borland 207 7765 (w); Richard
Ferguson 362 6324 (h).
- 9 - 11 May 1994:
- Australian Society of Archivists 1994 Annual Conference. To be held
in Townsville. Contact June Edwards, James Cook University. Ph:
(077) 814 362.
- 20 June 1994:
- History of Science, Ideas and Technology Group (SA). Uta von Homeyer
will speak on 'The employment of scientific and technical enemy
aliens Scheme in Australia - a reparation for World War II'. Contact
working group members: Pauline Payne 269 6879 (w/h); Lee Torop 303
5996 (w); Marie Borland 207 7765 (w); Richard Ferguson 362 6324 (h).
- 4-8 July 1994:
- History of the Geological Sciences in the Pacific Region - the 19th
International Symposium of the International Commission on the
History of the Geological Sciences. Sessions will be held in the
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney. Contact:
19th INHIGEO Symposium, c/o Earth Resources Foundation, Department of
Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney, NSW, 2006. Phone: (02)
552 6136 Fax: (02) 552 6058.
- 9-12 July 1994:
- AAHPSSS Annual Conference. To be held at Griffith University,
Queensland. Sections to include: Science and Religion; Science and
Technology Policy; Philosophy of Science; Environmental and
Ecological Issues. Contact: John Forge, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Griffith University, Nathan Qld 4111. Ph: (07) 875 5059
Fax: (07) 875 7656 Email: J.Forge@sct.gu.edu.au.
- 25-27 September 1994:
- The Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition to Central Australia -
Commemorative Symposium. To be held at the Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs.
Contact: Steve Morton, CSIRO, PO Box 2111, Alice Springs, NT, 0871.
Ph: (089) 500 143 Fax: (089) 529 587.
- 26-28 September 1994:
- Inaugural History of the Human Sciences Conference. To be held at
Victoria University of Technology. Contact: Deborah Tyler or David
McCallum. Ph: (03) 688 4449 Fax: (03) 688 4324.
- 26-30 September 1994:
- History '94 - Seventh Biennial National Conference of the Australian
Historical Association. This conference will mark the 21st
anniversary of the founding of AHA at the 1973 ANZAAS Conference in
Perth. A wide range of historical themes will be explored, but papers
are especially sought in the following areas: monarchies and
republics in history; indigenous peoples and their histories;
migration and ethnicity; bodies and identities; cultural heritage
studies; spatial history; public history issues; teaching issues; and
challenges to history - theory and method. Contact: Jenny Gregory,
History '94 Conference Convener, Department of History, University of
Western Australia, Nedlands WA 6009. Ph: (09) 380 2143/3404 Fax:
(09) 380 1069 E-mail: jag@uniwa.uwa.edu.au.
- 2-9 July 1995:
- 'Mutiny and Medicine' - An International Conference on the History of
Medicine and Health. To be held on Norfolk Island - experience the
conference and holiday of a lifetime! Conference themes include:
convict health and medicine; the history of penal systems and medical
aspects of incarceration; military and garrison medicine and health;
maritime medical history. The conference organisers require early
expressions of interest so contact: Dr John Thearle, Australian
Society for the History of Medicine, Department of Child Health,
Mater Children's Hospital, Brisbane, QLD 4101. Ph: (07) 840 8935 Fax:
(07) 844 9069.
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